Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Never Stressed, Always Blessed

Yep, I was screaming along with this song, with this view as I drove to work.  "Got that Sunshine on my Sunday Best"

Really, this is gorgeous and that song is great, and I am blessed!  Happy Wednesday!

Fun Evening with AJ

I have come to the conclusion that it may be awhile before I get a clear photo of AJ, he never stops!!  Of course, I lust love all the energy he has.  Pop Pop and I had a great time spending yesterday evening with him. 


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

One Consistent Thing in Life

The beauty of nature, and this mornings sunrise with the fog did not disappoint! I am so blessed to have such a gorgeous canvas in front of me, almost every morning driving to work. 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Friday with AJ

This little guy stayed all night Friday, we had a BLAST!!

Summa Nights

Kynedy snapped this gorgeous photo on the way home from a graduation party this weekend!

Moving Right Along

This young lady is moving right along in life, she turned 18, graduated high school, enrolled in college, and got a job at Union Hospital Nutrition Department.  Sue has had a great summer even with the quarantine.

Belated Bridal Shower

My cousin Nathan got married in a small,  close family only ceremony during the quarantine.  The bridal shower, that was originally scheduled for March was moved to July 18th.  Kynedy went with me, and we had a wonderful time, it was great seeing family and meeting Lauren.

 I LOVE this lady so much, she is a saint!
 The bride and groom

 Three generations!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Where Have We Been

These photos are from my phone, I have tons to download, 
I will post later.

After Kynedy's party the week before, we had a bit quieter weekend.  Again, thank you to all who came or sent well wishes.  AJ and his momma came over on Saturday and hung out for a bit.  Sunday they finally got to have Nathan and Lauren's bridal shower.  They ended up getting married with just family and friends in June, they are going to make a wonderful Christian life. 

He is the cutest ever

I really liked the cupcakes, so simple, yet so beautiful.

I hate that my mom could not come, it is just too dangerous with the virus, with her lungs/COPD any type of illness just knocks her on the ground.  She had the flu in 2019, was in the hospital for over a week, she fought the doctors and nurses with all her might, but they won and she healed, thank the Lord!! I think she could fight that COVID too, after all I have seen her go through, and the fact she is here today is a truly a miracle.   

This is my Aunt Barbara, my mom's only living sister.  She is a SAINT, and I truly mean that, the things she does for others are unmeasurable.  Growing up next door to her and my uncle was the best, I will never forget how they have both thought me about Christianity. I just adore her!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Mid Week Already??

I took Monday off so that may explain why I feel like this week is flying by.  Of course, I may still be recovering from the weekend lol.  We had a pretty good storm come through on Saturday evening, I was able to get a shot of some hail.

Sunday evening after the party I got to keep my sweet AJ, so mama could study for a test.  We ate watermelon, pizza, took a bath and watched Cars. I have to say my Sunday was the BEST, the party was so much fun, I was able to catch up with family and friends I had not seen for awhile.  And then Monday I got to visit with my mom and Christian for a bit. My heart was over flowing.

So sweet!

Sharing my new necklaces for "Wear it Wednesday", I have a bit of an obsession with this jewelry, I may end up selling it.

This picture made me smile so big, Kyn started her new job at Union Hospital today.  So far it has been a great week.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Kynedy's Graduation Party

Yesterday was Kynedy's graduation party.  It turned out so good, and she was in heaven the whole day.  It truly is the least we could do for our sweet, kind, compassionate and extremely intelligent KynSue!!  She put so much into her education she deserved this huge celebration.  All the people we love and hold dearest were able to stop by or send a card, and best wishes as she heads to SMWC.  This mama's heart was full to have most of my family and some great friends we have met along the way to celebrate Kynedy.

As I finished up decorating, I thought wow it should be awhile until we have to do this again, then I remembered I have two daughters who may get married one day LMAO.  

I seriously should become a party planner, 
I do enjoy it very much.  

This is Ashton the model! He is so adorable
Her cake was the best


She was SO HAPPY gma Shelby stopped by!

AJ says "TE TE"
I LOVE these two so much!

Nate and Maddie decorated the photo wall

He loves his CARS!
Oh these two, the memories are many. 
Preschool through 12th grade and now they are both attending SMWC. Erika is like one of my own, love her dearly!!

My best buddies Brian and Chang
Love these three very much
The kids were very happy to play at a play ground

This little guy is my everything, I LOVE him so much!


Love these three

Sweet Sidney
Rene has been so good to Kynedy

Oh my Alex came, this girl we have tons of memories with, I love her and her family more than I could ever put in words, this was a special moment for us!!
Always and forever I will love these girls


Sweet, sweet family

Handsome guys
Part of my whole world
Look at that face

We go together like peanut butter and jelly....always

Isn't she just beautiful