Friday, July 24, 2020

Where Have We Been

These photos are from my phone, I have tons to download, 
I will post later.

After Kynedy's party the week before, we had a bit quieter weekend.  Again, thank you to all who came or sent well wishes.  AJ and his momma came over on Saturday and hung out for a bit.  Sunday they finally got to have Nathan and Lauren's bridal shower.  They ended up getting married with just family and friends in June, they are going to make a wonderful Christian life. 

He is the cutest ever

I really liked the cupcakes, so simple, yet so beautiful.

I hate that my mom could not come, it is just too dangerous with the virus, with her lungs/COPD any type of illness just knocks her on the ground.  She had the flu in 2019, was in the hospital for over a week, she fought the doctors and nurses with all her might, but they won and she healed, thank the Lord!! I think she could fight that COVID too, after all I have seen her go through, and the fact she is here today is a truly a miracle.   

This is my Aunt Barbara, my mom's only living sister.  She is a SAINT, and I truly mean that, the things she does for others are unmeasurable.  Growing up next door to her and my uncle was the best, I will never forget how they have both thought me about Christianity. I just adore her!

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